
by Hrvatski Telekom



Loading account: Prepare paper bills with 2D bar code that want to pay the platomat. By selecting "Load ACCOUNT" on the cover of applications accessing the reader codes. Focusing the camera to 2D bar code bill is loaded. Confirm that the loaded and repeat the process for other accounts.SENDING TO platomat - After you have uploaded all the bills you want to pay the cover run the "My Accounts". This will open a list of all loaded bills to pay and it is necessary to mark all the bills you want to pay. After labeling bills to pay, press "SEND TO platomat".CODE OF PAYMENT - There will pop on the screen code (six-digit number) for payment to platomat. Subsequently, the code you can find a selection of my bills and then sent icon.PAYMENTArriving at platomat menu start mPlatomat, typing the code for payment and then follow the normal procedure of collection accounts on platomat and download to print your receipt.